
Course Information

Systemic Appr/Prblms of Adolescents (PSYG 604)

Term: 2019-2020 Summer Term


Patricia A Gratson
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Leslie Parkes Shralow
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Alyssa Callaway
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Claudia Garcia-Leeds
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Tue, 6:00 PM - 9:45 PM (5/11/2020 - 7/18/2020) Location: W OLC NN


Reviews normal adolescent development and the psychological and psychosocial problems commonly experienced during this phase of life. Problems to be discussed will include: delinquency, drug abuse, violence, eating disorders, depression, and suicide. Though a variety of approaches will be considered, the family systems model will be emphasized. Prerequisites: PSYG 514, PSYG 608). (Formerly GRCP-604.)