
Course Information

Independent Research I (PSYG 561)

Term: 2013-2014 Fall Term


Andrew E Behrendt
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Claudia Garcia-Leeds
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Leslie Parkes Shralow
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This course is for students who wish to advance their research experience under the supervision of a mentor. Any research must meet criteria for exemption by the IRB (See IRB Guidelines). All students will make a presentation of their project at the end of the semester. The course will promote an integrative understanding of the subject by a) exposing students to rele-vant literature, and b) may promote opportunities for them to interact with key stakeholders. Students have two options: 1) Students will complete a comprehensive Literature Review and 2) Students will complete a full proposal. Only those who choose option 2 and successfully complete these requirements (A- or higher) will be eligible to continue to Independent Study II. (Pre-requisite: PSYG 510 with a grade of A or A-) (New course Fall 2013.)