
Course Information

Senior Seminar/Chem-Biochem-For Sci (CHEM 498)

Term: 2011-2012 Spring Term


Kelly Elizabeth Butler
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Sheldon Miller
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Mon-Wed, 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM (1/16/2012 - 5/9/2012) Location: MAIN MH 323


Capstone course of the Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Forensic Chemistry majors. The emphasis of this course is three-fold: areas of significant research in the field of Chemistry through reading of the current literature; ethics in scientific research; and a research paper, poster, and oral presentation of previously completed research. This research will have been done on or off campus, during summer internships or during the academic year, in an advisor-approved area of Chemistry. Three hours per week. The Senior Seminar is usually taken in either the Fall or Spring of the student?s Senior year. Students register for this course upon approval of the academic advisor. Prerequisite: A Writing Intensive course and Senior status.